It all depends on how you see things. I believe what the bible says about the afterlife. So when I loose friends I waffle between sadness that they are gone,and happiness that they have gone on and will be there to greet me when I get there.(providing I do get there!)
I got one of 'those' calls this morning. You know the one... your friend has been battling cancer for several months, and was admitted to the hospital 3 or 4 weeks ago. But she never got better and has finally lost her battle. Her name is Zee, and we've been friends for well over 30 years! She was a Christian and one of the sweetest, most courageous women I have ever had the pleasure to know. She was always able to see the sweet side of life, even if it snuck up and bit her in the butt occasionally.
Her husband and I have been friends for a bit longer as he was my insurance man, when they still came to your door to collect the monthly premium!
So when Darryl called me this morning right at 8am, I knew what was coming. she had been on my mind for days. And several times I picked up the phone to call but it was either too early or too late. So I never got to go see her. That saddens me some. But on the other hand I will remember her like the last time I saw her. We were all sitting in my living room celebrating February! :) We always did things late. We were so busy trying to get our own broods together for the family celebration. So by the time we got that and all the other things we must do during that time of year, it was Christmas in Feb or March! We have even done Christmas and Easter and my mom's birthday all at once! Anyway, on that day, we were laughing and catching up on each others family stuff. She was smiling and felt very good considering her treatments. So I am grateful to have that memory of her.
So, tomorrow morning, at 10am, I'll be at her funeral. I hate it, but I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's just sad that as we grow older the only times we see each other seems to be at weddings or funerals.
We reach a time in our lives where we start losing our friends and extended family. I've lost several friends over the last few years. But Zee is one of the best of them. I will miss her...quite a bit!
I had planned to try to get to my lss for NSD. But I'll be saying goodbye to my dear old friend instead. I hope you all have a great day, and say a prayer for us all, please. Both Zee's family, and mine. It will be a difficult day for me and my boys. Don knew her only a few years, but he loved her too. He said of her once, "She is one of very few women I can honestly say that she is a true lady." And that is very true.
Thanks for your prayers.
I am so sorry to hear this. I will most certainly keep you all in my prayers and I will also pray that you will be able to see "happiness" end of this way more then the sadness. Cancer is such a horrible thing, as is the loss of a loved one.
If you need to talk please call.
We love you!
Oh Jess, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow. hugs, eileen
I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend. I am sitting here holding back tears, for you, for your friend, for my bff who is also fighting cancer and for all the people out there battling this terrible disease. BIG hugs to you Jess!!
Hi Jess, popped over to see how you are, still saying those prayers..
big hugs
En xx
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