Well on Saturday my sons and their girls and I drove down to Beaufort where my Grandson Michael is stationed. As I've said before, he's in the Marines.
However, he's now scheduled to get out in September because they told him their scaling back personnell?? (Really...how come more just went to Afghanistan?)
Well, any way they say there's no job for him. His plan was to go back to NC and look for work. But they really didn't want to go back, as there are no jobs to speak of. So he checked in with the military to see what they would do for him. Well it turns out they'll pay for him to go to school! And....they're buying a house (it's all been approved!) So they'll be moving into a nice new house soon, he's already taking classes, and Nicole will be going to work while he's in school. I'm so happy they're staying in SC! Now they're about an hour and a half from us! In NC they would have been about 4 hours from us!
They love living in the Beaufort area. I'm so happy for them, they were both so excited that we talked about the house and how we can visit more often. So the day was wonderful, we were almost all together. Pete and Marianne, Matthew and Tina, and Tina's lovely daughter Tiffany. Mariannes mom Virginia came along too. We all had a great time. The only ones missing were my Mom, and Michaels brother Joseph, and Tina's son David. My mom can't make trips that far, Joseph was working, and David was visiting a friend. Well...maybe next time.
The other reason for the visit was that Pete and Matthew's dad, has been gone for a long time. He was in the Navy, so when the time came he was buried in the nearest National Cemetary, which is in Beaufort SC. So we went to Ruby Tuesaday...all 9 and 3/4's of us! Then we had a 3 car caravan over to the cemetary. After a bit of searching, the boys found their dad. It had been many years since they had come to visit. So they reminisced, and we answered questions about their dad from every body else. It was a grand day. So the next time we go down the kids will be moved in... or it may even be a help them move in day! I'm really looking forward to the next visit. My sweetie Don stayed home with my mom. What a guy! He gave me the best gift ever! A day with my guys that was free of worry and stress.
The best part....smiling faces everywhere! Oh and did you notice the ultrasound pic in the midst... Matthew and Tina are expecting his first baby in early December! We'll know the gender next month. We're so excited. She miscarried before... so this time we didn't spread the word too quickly. But there it is a little baby Smith! The age difference between her last child and this one.... 16 years!!! Better them than me! lol But Tiffany is excited, and she loves kids, so she'll be a big help to her mom. My Matthew is beaming! So that's our story for this time.
I hope all is well with you and yours.
1 comment:
Awww Jess, your day sounds glorious. I'm so happy for you that they are going to be so close ... and a new baby on the way, yeahhhhhh. Sorry I've been lax about posting but I picked up some crazy virus in NY and have been sick since May 24. I think I'm almost well but I don't want to jinx myself. It's been a long month!
Lovely to see your beautiful family. hugs, eileen
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